Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Medical School

I think my choice to study medicine was one of the best choices I have ever made. This may seem a premature conclusion, and it probably is, but I am so excited to be a physician. I cannot imagine a more fulfilling and rewarding career. I graduated from college with a business degree - not the usual for a pre-med. But working in the business world has reaffirmed a million times over my desire to be a doctor. I cannot stand the business world's focus on numbers. They act like they care about people, and customer service, but when it comes down to it, numbers are what matter. I'm sure as a doctor you could become focused on numbers as well - how many patients you see per day, how much money that makes you - but I am determined not to let numbers run my career. I want to have a career that is entirely focused on people, which is why I think a career in medicine is perfect for me. Hopefully after 4 years of medical school and 4+ years of residency working 80 ours a week, I will still be as enthusiastic as I am now. It will be tough, but most things worthwhile are.

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